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About us

We are Preparedsweden. We are an e-shop with equipment for outdoor life, prepping, bushcraft and self-sufficiency. 
We sell products needed in the wilderness and for emergency preparedness both inside and outside your home. 
Our philosophy is not to take everyday comforts for granted and to accept that circumstances can change quickly.
But also that you can influence how you get through a crisis through simple preparations. 
Our vision is to offer a really good and affordable range from certified manufacturers in the outdoor and prepping niche. 
Our promise is that we will always do what we can to ensure that you have a good experience, both before and after your visit with us. 
Our motto is: Better Safe than Sorry!  
Company information
RankTribe LLC
30 N Gould ST Ste R, SHERIDAN, WY, 82801
Organization Number (EIN): 37-2135609
You can contact us here
or on number 004620-103503
